Yoga is an ancient system of movement, breath, philosophical ideas and practices all designed to still the human mind and keep the both the body and mind supple and clear.
To step onto the path, which includes many limbs or areas of practice, take time, and devotion, yet the rewards are deep and long lasting and introspective, and positively beneficial.
Like all teachings, it takes time to cultivate lasting change, and like Pilates, Yoga is a practice. One that takes commitment to the Self, the higher self, yet the rewards so rich and many. Yet as many will attest, there is nothing quite like the invigoration of moving the body with breath and finding greater stillness of the mind. In my personal experience, nothing has brought me more to a place of ease and calm, than yoga…
Benefits of Yoga:
Calms the mind
Creates a more flexible, relaxed body
Creates a greater sense of consciousness of our actions and how they impact others and ourselves